Saturday, October 11, 2008

Logan's Giggles When Mommy Hiccups

Our little man gets the giggles when mommy hiccups. We love listening to this man laugh! Please ignore the nose that is badly in need of a wipe, and enjoy!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Sun is Glinting Off the East China Sea

When my mom last visited in January, after Logan "Cheeks" was born, she commented that the thing about a view is that you often forget its there. Not such a thing at Casa Thiel. Looking past the ungroomed lawn, there greets the eye the most beautiful blue ocean complete with the sparkles of the Okinawa sun kissing the waving waters so that they glint like the most brilliant diamond. Today there are white benign clouds that serve to brighten the sky with their silvery puffs. All around silently buzz the dragonflies to echo the lingering remnants of a typhoon boiling off the coasts. We three Thiels love our little rebar-reinforced concrete casa. Today, life is beautiful.

About Me

An INCREBIBLE SHRINKING Mama is a woman who is in love with her new reality, has let go of her old reality and is open and ready to seek wisdom, serenity and health. Viva la Shrink!